Sunday, February 5, 2012

Parmesan cheese container fine motor activity

Ellie is 14 months old

This is one of my favorite ideas from Parents as Teachers so far, because it's so versatile and simple.

You know those grated Parmesan cheese containers? The kind of cheese that is not at all fresh or natural, but oh-so-delicious. Yeah, that kind. Well, it becomes a great fine motor activity.

Your kiddo can use straws or pipe cleaners and try to get them into the container. What's great is that there are three built-in "levels." With the lid totally off, it's a nice big opening. The semi-circle opening adds a bit more of a challenge, and the three-hole side of the lid is the hardest.

Ellie is fascinated with this activity. We did a similar one with a big Folgers container and frozen orange juice lids (that don't have sharp edges), with a thin slit cut in it. She likes the sound that one makes, and likes being able to see the straws go in the container on this one.

Practicing lining up the straws

Hold the container nice and steady...

We tried clothespins through the larger opening as well. She liked the straws much better.

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